IBS Data Science Group has started a campaign called “Facts Before Rumors”. This campaign started from the observation that many rumors that widely circulated in China and South Korea are now starting to spread in those countries where COVID-19 is just starting. We gathered more than 200 rumors and grouped them into similar categories. After excluding conspiracies, political rumors, and celebrity news, we identified 15 claims which focus on health practices.
We compiled over 200 rumors that had been fact-checked. We have translated 15 main claims into various languages and created a new webpage to share those claims on IBS Homepage.
(‘Facts Before Rumors’ Infographics in English)
(The Science of Handwashing Infographics in English)
Please click the link or image below to visit the website, IBS Facts Before Rumors (https://www.ibs.re.kr/fbr/) for the infographics in various languages.
This work has been created together with KAIST and Ewha Woman’s University. If anyone is interested in becoming a contributor to our project, please send an email to mcha@ibs.re.kr